UCB 301 Class after our show at UCB East!
After 8 weeks of study I have completed 301 Improv at UCB! This level was definitely more challenging than the prior two, but so much fun and I really loved working with the other actors in my class. When we started the course I remember being surprised that there were only four women in the group. Of course I know that women in comedy are a minority, but up to this point my classes had been evenly split. It was definitely a different dynamic with so many men in the room, but I had a really great time and learned a lot.
I am so lucky to have had such a great group for 301, and to have found a practice group from it as well. I'm going to take some time to keep rehearsing and practicing long form improv in my practice group as well as at improv jams, and then I'll jump right into 401- the next and final level at UCB!